Friday, July 08, 2005

Asylunt's Back Hallway

Well, I made the page public today. Check it out if you're a random blog reader.

I need a job! Find me a decent paying job!!!

Besides doing web work and looking for a job, I've been caught up in the world of Zombie Flicks. A friend of mine from Missouri and I are working on a script that we hope to start production on next year. It's called "River of the Dead". I often have trouble following through with a idea because I make it too original and out there, so Matt and I began thinking of a somewhat easy, yet marketable genre to dive into. well Zombie flicks seem to be making a comeback, and Zombie flicks seem to do better on a limited budget. You could make a pile of garbage and still get a cult following if you at least made it to distribution.

So I have been watching damn near every zombie movie I can get my hands on lately. "Return of the Living Dead" is still my favorite, outside of the Evil Dead flicks.

Anyone got any input on favorite Zombie flicks? Anyone wanna be a zombie and will work for food? Fill out those damn comment forms people!

Asylunt out

There's been reports that you need my e-mail to leave a comment. I think the problem is that you are selecting the e-mail blog link instead of just clicking the underlined Comments link.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is the sweet teets of a goat!

4:57 PM  
Blogger Asylunt said...

Naw I just used this damn thing, you don't need no stinking email. Click on the comment link, not the email bax next to it. Then just type your thoughts and publis, you can use a name or remain anonymous.

4:59 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ah yes, I love zombie/horror flicks, especially low budget projects, when you cast a movie let me know, I went to school for film production for like a year, and I like to act and work on movies, I may be interested

I've made plenty of shorts from 5-15 mins

D wrex

10:50 AM  
Blogger Asylunt said...

I will indeed let you know when production gets closer.

12:25 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sounds like a cool idea. If you need a post apocalyptic cop car, ala Mad Max variety you are more than welcome to use mine.

7:53 AM  

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